Institutet för rymdfysik, IRFand Luleå University of Technology: The (not so) Space Down Under

DECEMBER 2019 - I was in Kiruna, Sweden for a holiday with my family. Kiruna is a mining town that lies inside the Artic Circle and is home to both The Institute for Space Physics and Luleå University of Technology where I was able to be taken on a personal tour by PHD student Philipp Wittmann.

I also had the opportunity to meet Cristobal and Moses from the Luleå University of Technology who were able to show me what they are working on.

- Cristobal Nieto Peroy: Concurrent engineering of small satellites using hardware-in-the-loop simulation

- Moses Browne Mwakyanjala: Advanced software defined radio technology

IRF and Luleå University of Technology offer the ability to work and study in Kiruna, Sweden.

If you are interested, please check out their websites below:

IRF (Institutet för rymdfysik, IRF)

Luleå University of Technology

The IRF Solar System:

- Cassini-Huygens

- JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE)

- Rosetta studying 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

- Mars Express

- Chang'e 4

- Venus Express

- Bepicolombo (Mercury)

EISCAT Scientific Association

Studying in Kiruna

In Kiruna it is possible to study several different subjects at the outpost of Luleå tekniska universitet. Possible master programs for international students are for example the Master of space science and technology, the master in spacecraft design, the master of Earth Atmosphere and the Solar System or the combined bachelor and master’s degree in civil engineering. The lectures for these subjects are given in English and because of the Swedish Institute for space Physics and EISCAT being in the same building a close collaboration with an experienced space research team is possible. This collaboration consists from guest lectures given by some scientists from both IRF and EISCAT over possible help for student rocket experiments in form of knowledge support from our engineers, to project work in one of the two institutions to master thesis which can contribute to the development of real space instruments or other interesting topics. As all three contributors are in the same building the employees know each other well and it is easy to get in touch with possible supervisors The lectures in these master programs are all given in English and are from very basic lectures so everyone can get on a similar level to more specialized lectures giving in depth knowledge in a wide field of research topics. So don’t expect a highly specialized master degree but more of a well based knowledge of various topics in the field of space engineering and science. For more input about the different study programs and topics please visit the corresponding websites. Beside this broad knowledge you are studying in a very international environment and you can expect students from all over the world coming to Kiruna for the experience of international collaboration. This leads to a well connected group of young enthusiastic students in every year which will help getting through the different climate up here which consists of around half a year of snow and temperatures below zero degrees (down to below -40°C is possible) together with the unique experience of polar days or polar nights and other atmospheric phenomenon’s like northern lights or polar stratospheric clouds to mention the most well-known. If you are not sure if you can handle this unique climate there would be also the possibility for an arctic winter school which takes around one week given by Umeå university, which is oriented at international bachelor students in nature science subjects. Also the possibility of visiting Kiruna for one exchange semester is available.



Twitter: @josuhakeegan

Instagram: @josuha_keegan


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